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#26 2014-11-15 20:02:45

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

My pony is still in with 40 votes and 1 comment from this contest period (total 12 from other contest before ) Catitiz_PDT_14

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#27 2014-11-25 22:57:22

fiche Eleveur
mea culpa
Date d'inscription: 2007-02-15
Messages: 2096

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

So, here are my last two poneys from the contest.

Elin  (who is a boy : D)
224 votes and 9 great comments place 16 Catitiz_PDT_03



current contest - disqualified with 36 votes and 4 comments

may I introduce you - Eija (who is a girl :D )


And it's killin' me when you're away - I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused - So hard to choose - Between the pleasure and the pain!                            Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough

free traited stallions - name "frei" / freie GenHengste - Name "frei"

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#28 2014-11-26 10:09:59

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

The Pink themed contest went kinda ok for me, my little angel finished 94th Catitiz_PDT_18
And got 1 comment only this round Catitiz_PDT_14
So here she is:

Im still in this round so i can't show yet who im participateing with Catitiz_PDT_14

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#29 2014-11-26 11:24:59

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

I admit I've never seen her. She's really beautiful (and looking much better than many who made it into the Top10).

And darn, I thought Eija was a boy. :D

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#30 2014-11-26 16:21:38

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

Well, im out from this round as well Catitiz_PDT_09

She got 52 votes and 1 comment this round Catitiz_PDT_03
So here is the lovely Infy:

Next round i have to get her some new traits Catitiz_PDT_14

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#31 2015-01-02 16:17:29

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
Messages: 825

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

I've signed a pony in for the first time after quite a long break, I hope other players will like his look.  He's got 8 votes so far and one very nice comment ^.^

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#32 2015-01-02 18:11:34

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

I made a brand new contest pony for this round.
He has 16 votes so far but no comments yet, but hopefully that will change soon Catitiz_PDT_14

Good luck to everyone participateing this and the next round Catitiz_PDT_18

Dernière modification par surrano (2015-01-02 18:12:18)

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#33 2015-01-02 19:55:10

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

I'm not that lucky again. Dunno, rounds without a topic never let me live long. *laughs*

7 votes and no comments so far. I fear I'll wave goodbye tomorrow already. *lol*

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#34 2015-01-03 06:58:00

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

I don't like the No Theme contest as well. As i seen most of them are won by the same ponys that usually win in No Theme contests.
I just use one of my stock contest ponys for these kind of contests Catitiz_PDT_14

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#35 2015-01-03 13:54:43

fiche Eleveur
mea culpa
Date d'inscription: 2007-02-15
Messages: 2096

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

i totaly forgot to enroll a Pony this time. Catitiz_PDT_19

But i entered one for the next already. Catitiz_PDT_03

And it's killin' me when you're away - I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused - So hard to choose - Between the pleasure and the pain!                            Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough

free traited stallions - name "frei" / freie GenHengste - Name "frei"

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#36 2015-01-08 18:53:49

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
Messages: 825

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

Chancey was in til the last round, so I'm very proud of him :D He ended up on the 42nd place.


My pony in the new contest has now 10 votes.

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#37 2015-01-08 19:29:56

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

He would have deserved being in the Top10 at least, dodec.
I'm not satisfied with the podium at all. It's so boring...

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#38 2015-01-08 22:07:26

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

I think i voted on him/her a few times Catitiz_PDT_18
My new pony finished amazeingly 12th place with 95 votes Catitiz_PDT_14
I can't post his picture cause he got some new traits and he is in the this round as well and the upcomeing one as well Catitiz_PDT_14

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#39 2015-01-08 22:38:17

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

... and I wondered already why he looked so familiar! XD

This was my "winterly" entry:


It made 215th place with 32 votes.

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#40 2015-01-10 17:42:00

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
Messages: 825

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

Shinsengumi, thank you for your vote onmy pony and for the nice comment! ^^
He now has 33 votes.

I've already signed up a pony for the next contest as well. It's not dressed exactly in the style I like the most, so I'm pretty curious if other players will like his look :D

I think right now I won't give up so easily on taking part in the contest, because dressing ponies is more fun than ever after the traits-hunt in the Christmas Chests xD So many new combinations to test!

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#41 2015-01-13 15:47:40

fiche Eleveur
mea culpa
Date d'inscription: 2007-02-15
Messages: 2096

Re: All about the Beauty Contest


My pony got disqualfied today

but we got 59 votes and 12 (!!) super nice comments


And it's killin' me when you're away - I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused - So hard to choose - Between the pleasure and the pain!                            Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough

free traited stallions - name "frei" / freie GenHengste - Name "frei"

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#42 2015-01-13 18:33:20

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

He looks better than a lot of those who are in right now, too bad he didn't made it in Catitiz_PDT_24

My pony is still in. Got 5 nice comments and...... 1 rude comment Catitiz_PDT_11

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#43 2015-01-15 21:47:40

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
Messages: 825

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

Wow,12 comments in one contest,awesome :D

This is Karo:
He got 137 votes and has 25th place.
I love the look of the pony on 3rd place! Gold shades with deep green, beeautiful :D

My pony in the current contest has 5 votes at the moment. Thank you for your vote and comment, Aleena-Lea! ^^

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#44 2015-01-17 03:55:11

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

All of you dress up your ponies so nicely! I'll try to remember to enter next round as well :)

Dernière modification par kaulitztwin (2015-01-17 03:55:35)

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#45 2015-01-17 08:03:06

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

MY pony placed 33rd Catitiz_PDT_05
Last round was a bit better for me.
I remember i voted on Karo at least 8 times Catitiz_PDT_14
I still can't show my pony cause he is in this round again Catitiz_PDT_18

Dernière modification par surrano (2015-01-17 08:03:23)

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#46 2015-01-17 11:04:54

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

I entered a pony for next week Catitiz_PDT_18 Super excited to see how he does :)

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#47 2015-01-17 12:11:51

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
Messages: 825

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

Thank you for the votes, Surrano ^.^
Ah,I must remember to do some voting next round then - I'm curious what outfit you composed of that impressive collection of yours, Giz! :D
I've just registered a pony for the next round too. I really like the atmoshpere the set makes me feel. So even though I don't think it's the kind of set you see on ponies on the Podium, I'd like to know people's opinion on it. So I'll definitely post a picture of the pony here as soon as I can and will hope for your thoughts on it! :P :3

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#48 2015-01-21 16:33:28

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

Well this round ended sooner than i expected Catitiz_PDT_14
But at least i can show my pony now Catitiz_PDT_18


I think he looks better than his father, so i hope he will earn that 1st place next time i enter with him Catitiz_PDT_19

So im gona keep him with my Fabulous ones from now on Catitiz_PDT_14

One thing that bothers me is that he got 1 rude comment, not sure why Catitiz_PDT_44

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#49 2015-01-21 17:08:26

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
Messages: 825

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

Starflare is beautiful, Surrano - he's surely got a chance to win so I wish you all the best in the future contests :)
My pony didn't make it to the final round neither, he's got 53 votes and wa eliminated today. This is what he looked like:

I have a feeling that my next pony will get eliminated even sooner but I still want to give him a chance because I really like how the set turned out. Can't wait to show it to you ^^

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#50 2015-01-21 17:50:50

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: All about the Beauty Contest

They look both beautiful!
How sad they're not in the competition anymore. :(

No final round for me as well - 50 votes and 5 nice comments. :)


"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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