05:06 OhMyDollz V1  |    Forum
Poney News
Inscrit depuis le 04.09.08
Possède 782 poneys
n° 0
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Hi everyone

I started playing PonyStars at the begining but as it closed i came and play here.
In my free time i do a lot of art like oil paintings, drawings, sculptures and some digital art as well. I like RP and other activities in game, 4example the Beauty contest. Hope more interactive features will come to PV that brings players closer :)
My male ponys are available for breeding with other players.
Breeding rule:
- !!MAXIMUM!! 5 request from the same player a day :)
Note: If you see a male pony named 222 with tratis on them, you can send them requests cause they are Breeding ponys, so they will accept all requests.
Greetings from Hungary ;)

Le joueur Surrano n'a pas édité sa page HTML.

Les Poneys de Surrano