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- darkjewels
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-05-01
- Messages: 360
Re: missing reward?
so, i wasted 24 days with my alt, with flash bugs and all to just get a bunch of traits instead of a pegasus/celestial...
anyway, merry christmas. and thanks for letting us know, shinsengumi.
i will not unlock the "locked" ponys on a totaly unrelated note: no, i will not stop with the puns!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~Only entering for gold. Not interacting with other players very often~
- taarendonk1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2013-03-10
- Messages: 158
Re: missing reward?
darkjewels a écrit:so, i wasted 24 days with my alt, with flash bugs and all to just get a bunch of traits instead of a pegasus/celestial...
anyway, merry christmas. and thanks for letting us know, shinsengumi.
I'm quite dissapointed in this, not that I dislike the traits or anything but would've preffered a celestial/pegasus you know? Mean we already got 3 sets just from the advent calander itself not to mention some people already have one or two of them only to recieve more traits... Wouldn'tve been so bad if we had gotten a trait pack from our wishlist or something, I'm glad weçe recived something for christmas and they did all this for us, but can't say I'm happy with it
- mure
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2012-07-05
- Messages: 62
Re: missing reward?
Really disappointed about not getting the ponies. I already told my sister I was getting them and the trait I got from the chest is ugly. Not to be ungrateful but I was more excited about the ponies than any of the traits.
Dernière modification par mure (2013-12-25 00:39:49)
- taarendonk1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2013-03-10
- Messages: 158
Re: missing reward?
mure a écrit:Really disappointed about not getting the ponies. I already told my sister I was getting them and the trait I got from the chest is ugly. Not to be ungrateful but I was more excited about the ponies than any of the traits.
me too, I rather have the ponies then the traits. We already recived 5 sets from the advent alone, really hoped they'd throw in a pony or two I'm happy with the traits but you know think 5 is just overdoing it
- dragonbunny
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2013-11-12
- Messages: 2
Re: missing reward?
aww. my Christmas is now a bit less merry. 
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: missing reward?
darkjewels a écrit:so, i wasted 24 days with my alt, with flash bugs and all to just get a bunch of traits instead of a pegasus/celestial...
Ah no, you didn't waste your time. People who haven't opened all the 24 doors of the calendar just recieved the big Christmas Chest and not the special exlusive set in the inventory. For getting "everything" you had to open all 24 doors. :)
And if you're disappointed by the missing ponies I shouldn't tell you that two years ago the players even received pure pegasus ponies - a couple which was fully traited. So well... last year we just had the pegs and people complained because there were less traits. Now people complain because of the *missing* ponies. So each way we put it, some will always be unhappy with the result.
It's no problem getting a pegasus pony if you often play the memory-game in the Oraculum Stellaris / violet tent in the village. Personally I could buy about 40 eggs if I wished to 'cause I've collected so many gold coins (and don't even play on a regular basis)... but I'm not interested at all 'cause I already have some pegasus ponies and don't want to waste the coins for "a simple peg", which will be anything but pure or misty. So again - a different point of view. For all the players who are here since two years at least, pegasus ponies or stars aren't that special anymore and they rather go for traits. New players - feeling out of reach of getting one of those two special races - would rather have a pony. Again... each way you put it, some will be unhappy.
If I might dare to give you some advice: collect coins for a star, choose a female, x-breed it with a pegasus stallion of another player and you will automatically receive a pegasus foal. 95% of star-pegasus-crossbreeds are pegasus (stars are regarded as the most noble race and are therefore hard to breed - dunno who had that idea years ago).
Don't be too disappointed. Appreciate the gifts, trait your ponies and give the oraculum a try. It's free, you don't have to invest money at all and you'll all earn your pegs and stars within 2-3 weeks if you play regulary.
*crawls into bed now after having a pain of a Christmas Eve - almost 3 a.m. by now, ouch*
If you have more questions, please be patient with answers. I won't be around the next hours and the admins have their day off today, too. So nothing more official can be said within the next 30 hours. :)
"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- suigentou
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-10-06
- Messages: 31
Re: missing reward?
Well I'm a new player and I'm was really excited to receive a pegasus because that whole thing from the oracles isn't working for me. In 2 months I couldn't get a single gold coin ( I would like to be better in those games but sadly I'm not).
I think that after years from not updating the game so the celestial and pegasus can be obtained in others ways like the anterior version, it would have been a great gift for new players like me to get a pegasus couple from the calendar. I can't even buy gold coins because they're really expensive so I think that the only thing I can do is sit here and wait another couple of years hoping that maybe this game will improve itself and give new players more ways to obtain these two races of ponies.
(I'm not a native english speaker, so please forgive if I made any mistake).
Dernière modification par suigentou (2013-12-25 04:03:11)
- darkjewels
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-05-01
- Messages: 360
Re: missing reward?
1st of all: if any of what i say below sounds agressive, i promise it was NOT meant to look agressive. :'( 2nd: why are that race of ponies called "celestial" on the english version and "star" on every single other version? o_O USA is creative with everything but a name for their country, impressive!
@shinsengumi: i was saying that it was a waste, because i almost never get in my alt account, only in my main, where i already have access to both the pegasus and celestial black markets. and since i created my alt after V2 was released... and getting the female celestial: that's what i always recomend to everyone who asks me how to get the special ponies XD. i'm kind of rusty in the memory game, so i couldn't manage to get a single gold coin and much less the 30 needed for a celestial not to mention i don't get along with races against time(wich that memory game demands)... x_X and that simom game thing: *panic mode on* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :'( i already lack the patience to do the 4 steps for the extra 10 gold/day in the advent calendar game, and this year, even when i had patience to get a chest i wasn't able to get a single key. *panic mode off* and the card-guessing game: *hystericaly laughs to avoid crying* let's say i lack luck. xP
and lol if we'd get a couple of celestials born with exclusive traits each, i would personaly scold anyone who'd complain at that XD even if the person would be unlucky to get only males, he/she could still access the black market to get more females and then get pegasus xP
by the way, shinsengumi: have a nice recovery from the christmas eve! have sweet christmas dreams and a happy new year. i hope you were able to eat tons of tasty meat and have a nice digestion XD ps: i wish the same for everyone else reading this. and everyone who did not read this too XD
i will not unlock the "locked" ponys on a totaly unrelated note: no, i will not stop with the puns!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~Only entering for gold. Not interacting with other players very often~
- felidae
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-10-25
- Messages: 21
Re: missing reward?
And I was so happy when reading that there will be a pair of pegasus already waiting in my barn...
first thought: what? but I have just place for 10 ponys!
I looked: no pegs there
"okay maybe I have to expand my barn first!" I collected the coins and expand the barn. Still no Pegasus shown. I WASTED 225 coins, instead of using it for buying the gems I realy want.
And now, the big christmas-chest will give me a set, which is not beautiful at all, and I think I don´t wanna waste another 50 feez just for ANOTHER christmas set, which is maybe one I already have, or is even as uncharming as the first one..
so there will be no big christmas-chest for me at all~ ._.
I realy DON´T wanna be offensive with this to anyone, I know they´re spending a lot of time in this christmas specials and it realy was a little fun for me, since my christmas is far not as lovely as it used to be when I was younger. >___<
I just wanted to give my frustration a way out, cause... yes :D" yes getting the pegs was my only realy happy thought on this day :D"
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: missing reward?
Ooops, sorry for messing up stars/celestials - in our German version of the game the translation for their name would be "stars" so I didn't think any further. My fault. ^.^
darkjewels a écrit:even if the person would be unlucky to get only males, he/she could still access the black market to get more females and then get pegasus xP
Well... no. You need to own at least 20 pegasus ponies to access the black market to buy more of the same race. Same for celestials. It's not enough to own one or two... you really have to collect 20. ^.^
felidae a écrit:I WASTED 225 coins, instead of using it for buying the gems I realy want.
I'm sorry to hear that, felidae, but it's not Feerik's fault that you "wasted" the coins. If anything is not running smoothly or the way it should, don't react too quickly and rather wait for explainations or bug-fixing. It sadly happens quite often that the game confuses players with not working as expected. It's never been different (I can tell after nearly 5 years of playing). After all you have some new free space for new ponies in your barn which isn't the worst. *tries to cheer you up*
For the pegasus/celestials again: there won't be another opportunity to obtain these races. We had to wait over a year after the release of V2 to get the oracle-building in the village. In V1 we had to do quests on the prairie which were a pain for many players, just to receive a celestial (and you were even unable to chosse the gender)... and you had to collect ponies of certain races, gender and number to be able to buy a pegasus. The quests got more tricky the more pegasus you tried to buy so you were forced to breed massivly or to spend much gold to buy the missing ponies requested. It wasn't that easy back then either and because the races are supposed to remain *special* Feerik won't make it easier for sure...
And thanks, darkjewels - I at least caught some sleep and I'm prepared for even more meat now (unfortunately I forgot were I've put my scales... - lol).
"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- felidae
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-10-25
- Messages: 21
Re: missing reward?
I don´t wanna give anyone any fault, I know that it´s hard enough to run a site like this proper and Feerik is doing a realy good job and that even at this time of the year~
I was just to cheerful and that they aren´t shown in my barn, cause I haven´t the place, was my first logical thought so I tried it and ruined my system, of first buying the gems I like and than expand the barn all by myself, so the fault lays on my own.
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: missing reward?
I know you're not blaming anyone. I just tried explaining.

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- taarendonk1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-03-10
- Messages: 158
Re: missing reward?
I'm not ungreatful either but I just find collecting coins a pain in the butt :c frankly I find collecting gold coins much easier xD I just play the card game and keep picking the middle one, maybe not the best method but it works the best for me XD
- suishou
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-02-21
- Messages: 70
Re: missing reward?
I do pretty much the same with the card game. I have no hope of winning gold abstracts on the timed games. I log in at least twice a day to use as many guesses as I can. It takes me about 3 months to win enough abstracts to get a celestial. Fortunately, when I made my side account about 3 months ago, I immediately started working towards a celestial just in case the advent calendar didn't give ponies this year. At the time I thought I was just being paranoid, but it worked out. I have a female celestial egg in my incubator now.
- darkjewels
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-05-01
- Messages: 360
Re: missing reward?
shinsengumi a écrit:Ooops, sorry for messing up stars/celestials - in our German version of the game the translation for their name would be "stars" so I didn't think any further. My fault. ^.^
not your fault, actualy. i don't get why their name is not "stars" nor anything like that in the english version. i blame the translation XD
shinsengumi a écrit:darkjewels a écrit:even if the person would be unlucky to get only males, he/she could still access the black market to get more females and then get pegasus xP
Well... no. You need to own at least 20 pegasus ponies to access the black market to buy more of the same race. Same for celestials. It's not enough to own one or two... you really have to collect 20. ^.^
actualy, i meant that even if you were unlucky to get only celestial males, your celestial female would still be able to have 20 babies(so you'd have 21 celestials in total, not to mention the extra 10 for every time you'd use a potion of fertility on the 1st female), allowing you to access the black market and get a new celestial female, wich you could breed with pegasus males and easily get the 20 needed pegasus for the black market. (i confess, i should have been more clear there xP i think i was unclear again here - sorry if i was xP)
shinsengumi a écrit:And thanks, darkjewels - I at least caught some sleep and I'm prepared for even more meat now (unfortunately I forgot were I've put my scales... - lol).
you're wellcome ^-^ i hope you remember where the scales are XD lol
@taarendonk1: same here XD
@suishou: congratz *-* i wish i'd be as lucky(and patient) as you are! XD
i will not unlock the "locked" ponys on a totaly unrelated note: no, i will not stop with the puns!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~Only entering for gold. Not interacting with other players very often~
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: missing reward?
i hope you remember where the scales are XD lol
Noooo, I rather keep forgetting! *rofl*
And though English isn't my mother tongue I sometimes might misinterpret a statement. So we shouldn't worry for making something more clear while discussing (as long as we can make things clear everything's perfectly fine).

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- darkjewels
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-05-01
- Messages: 360
Re: missing reward?
XD good to know XD ps: i bet most people on this forum don't use english as main language either. XD my main language is portuguese XD sorry for any misspells, i just had a glass of mojito XD and i did not recover yet XD it'll be midnight in 20 minutes here XD
happy (super early) new year, everyone!
i will not unlock the "locked" ponys on a totaly unrelated note: no, i will not stop with the puns!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~Only entering for gold. Not interacting with other players very often~
- kaulitztwin
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
- Messages: 714
Re: missing reward?
Got the Feerik accessory from the chests so I'm happy happy happy :D
Discussion fermée
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