- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Welcome, Mure ! ^^ I'm glad you've joined us and that you're interested in my traits :D Would you mind me putting those on two different boys? I mean, the Esthetician traits will be still on my Beautician pony (Pucci) and I'll put the Jewels coat on every other stallion you send a Request to :o) And when Pucci has 10 Breeding Points left, I'll put the set on another Love boy :] Phat, I'm afraid it is not possible to inherit a Background :( But it's not confirmed officially, I think ;) Well, anyway, I only have a Tattoo on my dodecnew account. I find it pretty cool xD
- mure
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2012-07-05
- Messages: 62
Re: IT Project
Thank you so much. You have so many gorgeous males. some what I'm thinking about traits and then I'm looking at the beautiful colors 
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Hello, Mure! I'm very happy to see you joined our Project :)
Phat: I don't know if backgrounds are inhritable here. I didn't see an IT background yet :/ However, I have the Ice Dragon coat. So, you can always try to get it :3
- kaulitztwin
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
- Messages: 714
Re: IT Project
welcome mure! Nice to have you with us :)
Kim: I only have the mane and tattoo of the ice dragon set, but you are welcome to try to inherit those :)
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
OK THANKS What pony do you have it on. If i cant get the background i will get the hooves in case you want to try for them.
Dernière modification par phatcat28 (2012-11-15 21:42:35)
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I've got the Magician Hooves from Likky's boy today and I'm extremely happy about it! :D THANK YOU :3 I'd love to try to get the Count Vampire Hooves now - they're so awesome! *-*
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
I'm so glad my boy gave you this trait, Dodec :) Hopefully, you will get next ones soon! *goes to change hooves on stallion*
- healingheart
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2012-11-12
- Messages: 123
Re: IT Project
I want to be a PARTICIPANT! Your nickname:Healingheart Whose traits you want to inherit?: dodec1 Which traits: Coat:Jewels Mane:Phospora Tattoo:Diamond Princess Hooves:Wings of Innocence Thanks for your help!
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Thanks again, Likky! :D I hope one of my boys will give you you some nice traits again soon too ^^ Aren't they all just...so... WOW? :P
Welcome, Healingheart :D I'm glad you've joined our project! ^^ I'll put the traits that you've chosen on each stallion from my herd that you'll send a Breeding Request to :o) I hope you'll get some nice traits soon as well :D And by the way, your avatar is adorable,you know... Hehe ^^
- healingheart
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2012-11-12
- Messages: 123
Re: IT Project
Being a little impatient I used an Impatience potion. There where no traits on my newborn. But thank you for trying to do this. (And also for liking my avatar)
I would also like to become a member but I don't have many traits yet. I have 3 accounts and only 7 complete sets in total. Including cook, starter and Esthetician.
I'm going to put (most of) my complete sets in my signature. At least, as long as I don't have to many to put in it. I think that will be easier for people to see what traits they want. I still need to work on my member form but I will do that when I have time.
yes, didn't know you where only allowed to post with 1 account so I'm fixing that now.
I want to be a PARTICIPANT! Your nickname: Umbreon Whose traits you want to inherit?: likkymound Which traits: Coat: Shell Mane: Spring spirit Tattoo: Tuareg Prince Hooves: Tuareg Prince Thanks for your help!
Dernière modification par healingheart (2012-11-28 23:01:18)
- maryash
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
- Messages: 252
Re: IT Project
I want to become a member! Maryash Traits:(I am afraid they are nothing too special) Hooves: Christmas 2006, Christmas 3, Scheherazade,scolar, indigenous, Bacchus, phoenix,ice,Little princess, pyrotechnitian 2009, beez, casino, Christmas elves, Christmas 4, reindeer, ski, dryad, princess flower, brother john, Africa, musketeer, lady luck, mouse, holly, epona, Santa, cook, esthetician, astral horse, new pony, starter, god of space, fall bride, fall groom.
Coats: Christmas 2006, gardener, Christmas 2, Christmas 3, nature, Tahiti, indigenous, black cow, phoenix, ice, donkeyskin, Berlin wall, pyrotechnitian 2009, beez, ruby 2009, Christmas elves, Christmas 4, reindeer, ski, cyborg, Easter 2010, baker, brother john, musketeer, mouse, holly, tea ceremony, lavender, Santa, esthetian, cook, new pony, starter, London fashion, fall bride.
Manes:Ocean, Christmas 2009, Christmas 2, Christmas 3, Tahiti, April fish, fireman Rollerblade, indigenous, Bacchus, phoenix, ice, donkeyskin, pyrotechnitian 2009, ruby 2009, Christmas elves, Christmas 4, reindeer, ski, princess flower, musketeer, mouse, holly, Santa, cook, esthetician, new pony, starter, fall bride.
Tattoos: Rainbow, fire, Christmas 2006, tribal, Christmas 3, Easter 2009, scolar, indigenous, Bacchus, white tribal, phoenix, ice, waterlily, Christmas elves, Christmas 4, reindeer, ski, princess flower, musketeer, mouse, holly, apple pastry, Santa, astral rooster, cook, esthetician, astral buffalo, astral rabbit, astral rat, new pony, starter, fall bride, fall groom. Likkymound: Jack funeral coat, white fairy mane, black elf beand, spirit of the deer hooves.
"You can only come to the morning through the shadows.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
I love this quote!
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
It's great you joined our Project as a member, Maryash! And I'm so happy you've chosen some of my traits. I put them on every stallion you send request to :) I hope you will get an IT soon and please remember, the more requests you send the more chances for IT you have ^^
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Welcome, Umbreon! You're next person who chose my traits. I'm over the moon! :D Now just send me a breeding request to any of my stallions. I hope you will find at least one that you like ^^
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Welcome to the Project, Umbreon ^^ I hope you'll get some of Likky's great traits soon :D I've got another one from her yesterday : the Countess Vampire Coat :D As you already know, Likky, I'd like to try to get the Cinderella Coat now. And,of course, THANK YOU x 100 ^^ I'm sure you know how much I appreciate your help, but I can't stop saying that! :P
- healingheart
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2012-11-12
- Messages: 123
Re: IT Project
I want to be a PARTICIPANT! Your nickname: healingheart Whose traits you want to inherit?: dodec1 Which traits: Wings of innocence set, please. Thanks for your help!
Sorry for this change. I hope you don't mind.
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Of course I don't mind putting other traits on the boys which your send Requests to :o) But you know that it's impossible to inherit the Accessory,right? And,unfortunately, we can't trade the not-inheritable traits neither :(
- healingheart
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2012-11-12
- Messages: 123
Re: IT Project
Yes, I know. I just didn't feel like typing the same thing 4 times.
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
LOL,true xD Okay then, everything's clear so now I can only wait for your Requests! ^^
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I've got another IT from Likky today, the Cinderella coat :D I was so happy to see this trait in my Incubator, it's so lovely! THANK YOU! :3 May I ask for the Heroic Fantasy coat now? ^^
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Yay! I'm very happy that my boy threw you this trait, Dodec :D The next coat you want already on stallion ^^
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Likky, I hope my boys will show you how thankful I am and give you some traits soon! :P I can't wait to see some more IT foals among their babies in your herd ^-^
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I've got a double IT baby today from Kaulitztwin stally :D The baby inherited the Appaloosa Coat and Absinthe Tattoo from its dad ^^ Thank you,Giz! ^^ May I ask you to dress the boy in a Snow White Princess Tattoo and Snow White Coat? :o)
- kaulitztwin
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
- Messages: 714
Re: IT Project
congrats hun! unfortunately I saw this post a little too late but i'll make sure to swap traits 'til next breeding :P
- healingheart
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2012-11-12
- Messages: 123
Re: IT Project
One of my ponies inherited the Coat Shell. She is on my side account, umbreon. Likkymound, can I ask to now put the Cinderella coat on, please? And If you don't mind, I'm going to send request to another stallion now
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
Likkymound - can I breed a couple of your stallions for the ice dragon coat, You guys misunderstood, I wanted to buy the background but bought the accessory instead and was hoping to get enough to buy the background. but would like to breed for the coat, mane, and tattoo. I have the accessory and hooves. so if you have the coat, may i try to breed for it.