- brokenstar9
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
- Messages: 537
V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
Well, it's been a long wait & now Version 2 is here for us all. What are everyone's thoughts?
I am undecided on the amount of interactive things in game. Some just seem to be too much activity for me. I'll definitely wont' be able to log-in, log-out for pony aging by the looks of it. Also, will take from breeding, but don't really mind that much. too much breeding becomes monotonous.
I think the graphics are nice & the layout is good too.
Quests are pretty basic now to teach from & that is really nice.
My mod voice is Turquoise, stone hard and mystical. Have a question Read the Common Player Questions for the fastest answer.
- elorwin
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
- Messages: 34
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I have been enjoying playing with the new layout. I find the way traits can be put on and moved to different ponies brilliant.
Obviously there are still quite a few things missing and broken but today is the first day this has been up. I think now the ponies are here that they are lovely, we all knew the changes were coming and to see all my herd updated I really like.
The farming I am still not sure about, its quite a difference from the easy two clicks I used to do on the other one. Plus I don't like that ponies have a breeding amount and you are only allowed a few ponies pregnant at the same time.
What do you guys think?
- vixena
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-12-17
- Messages: 8
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I actually like it. Still not too keen on the new looks for the pony, But all in all it's been enjoyable. Wish all of my hard earned gold had transferred over though :c
- selinie777
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- Date d'inscription: 2012-05-03
- Messages: 4
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
How long does it take for you guys to migrate? It has been one hour already and my account still haven't migrated.
- jdawnmoo
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- Date d'inscription: 2012-03-11
- Messages: 21
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I think the new look of the ponies is retarded. I dont like that none of the gold that i earned transferred. Where is my fountain? Where is the stallion list? Where is the magic cloud? What was wrong with the way it was? I worked hard for what I had and now its all gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- sharxz
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-11-13
- Messages: 1
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
Im highly displeased with this. They didnt go through with promises they made, such as : Everything (such as traits) will cost gold, so far ive only seen feez. You wouldnt half to brush and feed you ponies everyday.. yes you do. and, i have over 100 ponies. now, because i cant afford the feez to buy the one-click-done ponies i half to go through each one. I quit. you have lost a player!! because this really REALLY not allowed! Goodbye. 
- siberia101
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-08-05
- Messages: 19
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
So far I'm not happy with it either! I thought the traits were suppose to be free. That we didn't have to take care of the ponies. Now we have to plant fields and feed them, I have way to many ponies to do that. They said we would earn gold easy.
I do like some of the ponies, my least favorite are felines and pegasus. The ponies are really small even when you click on them they're still small which I don't like. What happens to the ponies that were bred, how do we get the babies? What happened to our stable, it seems like a lot is missing. I'll try it for a few days but I don't know if I keep playing after that.
- jmk3482
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-04-07
- Messages: 7
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I'm going to have to agree with the ones who have said they didn't like this new setup. I don't care for it at all. The new pony graphics look terrible. They all look sad and depressed and way too skinny. I have to click through WAY too many screens to do something. I'm seriously considering contacting them directly and complaining.
I don't want to farm for food. If I want to play a farming game, I'll go play Farmville. This is supposed to be a pony breeding game. Now it's just a take-care-of-ponies game.
- mischiefmker
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- Date d'inscription: 2012-03-22
- Messages: 74
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I was waiting for V2, and was upset that we had no warning like they had promised we would have before they switched (at least none that I ever saw).
I have been working on the quests, and got up to the breeding one and realized that I could breed mares that I know were pregnant already... I thought any pregnant mares were going to still have the babies, or were they just automatically born and put in a place I haven't found yet? I also don't like the limits on herd size and number of ponies you can have breeding at a time...
Over all though, I like it and will keep playing as long as I can. 
- winforgold
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
- Messages: 94
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I wish the pony pictures were larger. I have a hard time seeing the traits on them. The cook and groom helper traits were free so once I did that quest I can do that with two clicks. Could the farm traits be free if you had a farm before and a certain amount of fairy gold?
- mmq123
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-03
- Messages: 211
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I'm so sad. *sniff* I logged into PV yesterday. I was still saving all my traits to my website and when I came here...EVERYTHING WAS GOOONNNEEE!!! I know I'll adjust soon but I just loved the old version P.S This is the first place I've been to so umm I have no idea what everything looks like right now. Be back soon and I'll tell you how I feel about it.
*EDIT* Okay I'm back. Well over all I think it's not that bad. But I do have a question. How come the only traits I see in the market is parts of the ones I already have? What happened to the rest of them?
Dernière modification par mmq123 (2012-05-04 03:22:25)
- brokenstar9
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
- Messages: 537
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I don't remember ever hearing traits were FREE. They did say all traits would be available for gold. Which in my account they are each for gold & feez. So that is correct. Re-check your stores to see if they are if think it is different.
As for the care, I don't remember seeing them say there was no tend the ponies. I was pretty sure they said there would be no more buying care items. Which we are not doing. So, that is correct from what I understood of their previous announcements. Plus, the trait sets needed for the assistants are being earned through the quests. That is pretty awesome I think. Just a few minutes of running through the game play first day & we can mass click to care for the ponies. No breeding requirements & endless days of earning the care tools. I didn't have to do more than 5 ponies for direct grooming & feeding, & that was to finish that quest. Not bad.
Breeding at the alter will bring up the quests for building the nursery to get babies. Players with babies coming may want to breed a new pair just to get that quest up.
I do remember them saying the fountain was going to be removed since health points don't exist.
As for gold I have almost 500 first day. That is almost a whole trait's worth so I am pretty pleased how fast tah is coming. If it continues that trend I'll be able to buy about 20 traits a month off that without having to spend real money.
I do have to say I wish the pony's ID images were a little larger. They are hard to see the ponies at the size they are. Maybe 15-20% bigger would be nicer.
I don't like the mass amount of pop-up windows much either. One pop up to a function is plenty. More is just too excessive & easy to lose & get confused.
I love the function of book marking, not only on the Medium toolbar, but also by shrinking a pop-up with the >| button. Sends it to the side. lets me bookmark ponies while on. Nice for traiting & breeding matches.
Friendship tree you are the bane of my existence. Where are you! You are cruel for not being obvious. ~ Okay I got a friendship bar after building a nursery. Breed a pony at the Alter of love to get that quest. to show, those that are stuck on the same thing.
Dernière modification par brokenstar9 (2012-05-04 03:03:30)
My mod voice is Turquoise, stone hard and mystical. Have a question Read the Common Player Questions for the fastest answer.
- stubby16
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
- Messages: 38
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
Broken, i also believe there is too much activity going on... i didnt know there was a separate section (village) for breedings thought that would be in my hamlet??? haha
O.O my inventory is huge SO Im loving the inventory! it tells me what i have available and if not it tells me who is wearing it!!! who else is loving that? :)
Hmm no more quests??? but i hear people doing friend quests why dont i have that yet? haha
Dernière modification par stubby16 (2012-05-04 06:53:15)
-Meet me in the IRC-
- kicka33
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-08-08
- Messages: 44
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I really don't know why you guys are complaining about half the stuff you are. Most of the stuff you guys are freaking out about is covered and solved once you finish the introduction quests.
You CAN one click take care of ponies. You just need to take care of five ones separately first to get the traits you need to do that. And that's not hard since you can quick click through things, you don't have to close the pony window to open another one.
Growing food is a hassle, but there's supposedly a trait set to take care of that for you. Whether it's free or not remains to be seen. But since it doesn't cost gold to plant and there's no come back in 15 like in farmville, I'm pretty much okay with it.
Traits cost EITHER gold or feez. Not both.
The love altar in the village is where the stallion list is. If you want to see other player's ponies you just have to click where it says 'my ponies' on the pink side and change that to ALL and other player's ponies will be there. Then just specify that you want stallions.
I don't mind the change overly much, but there are a few ones that I'm a tiny bit miffed about. -The set number of breedings for a pony. What the heck is up with that? If I'm breeding for a certain color, I'm going to blow through that number ridiculously fast.
-some of the re-designs are really, really lame looking and the animation on some of them is terrible. Feline, water and fire ponies, I'm looking at you. Though I do adore the air, love and unicorn ones. Not sure about the pegasus or celestial yet.
- What's with some of the trait re-desgins? In particular the fireman hoof one? The old flame design looked simply awesome on my white body, bright red maned pony, now that it's turned from flames into blue boots, it...looks awkward on her. And also some of the traits just don't look good. Like the chocolate one I put on my love pony. The vanilla swirl which fit him fine and dandy in V1 is all over the place in V2.
-hoof colors. What. the. heck. why couldn't they stay linked to body color or link them to mane color, why did they pick eye color? Green hooves don't look good on a purple bodied and blue maned pony.
The rest such as space issues I'm pretty okay with. I don't breed as much as I used to.
- himeblue
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-03-08
- Messages: 3
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
How do I find who are the parents of my current ponies???
I hope they change the way we see the ponies, I want to see them bigger...
- sayhen
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
- Messages: 61
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
So far I am really enjoying the new version, I think the ponies look great and the new interaction and quests are nice. I am really happy with it :)
- horseg27
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
- Messages: 12
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I'm not minding the changes. I love the home and village areas they are amazing! Yeah the pony pics are a bit small and the language thing up in the corner needs to be a little more noticeable!
I am having a bit of trouble with one of the quests not accepting when I equip a trait to my pony. Hello doing the action! So kinda annoyed with that. EDIT: I did find out how to do it, using the whole set of new traits. (the quest could have been a bit more specific)
One thing I absolutely love it the baby ponies!! There are so cute!!! I wish they could stay babies. (although I did notice something in the store)
Some of the hooves though hardly make an impact on the thin legs of some of the ponies. A little disappointed about that.
Dernière modification par horseg27 (2012-05-04 14:14:24)
- aizenitta
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-10-07
- Messages: 2
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
Hmm, I agree with himeblue, I too want to see the ponies bigger. For me this game was mainly about aestethics, creating nice and ballanced looking ponies and then going through the pages and looking at them, that helped me relax at work, feasting my eyes... well that's gone. I don't really care for interactive stuff, I'm not at all sure what to make of this and I'm quite sad actually.
- darkjewels
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-05-01
- Messages: 360
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
well... so far, i'm hating it. and it doesn't look like i'll change my mind anytime soon...
Edit: other than the fact it's easy to take care of ponies(at least if you have less than 30 of them) this new version... in name of politeness, i'll not tell what i think of V2 nor of the new ponies design.
the only ponies that look at least fine are love and earth. the rest of them... if i said what i think of those new ponies, mods would certainly ban me because of the words i'd use...
i guess this game lost(or will lose) another player, i just can't bear to look at those ugly-like-words-i-must-avoid creatures they call ponies.
well, nice to play with you. i guess i'll only stay untill i find out how to get a celestial, MAYBE get one, and then come back at most once a month, hoping they've re-drawn those ugly creatues in order to turn them into cute or at least not-that-bad-looking ponies.
and is it true that a pony can only breed a limited number of times? if it is, bye bye, PV! i don't want to join this system that turns ponies who had lots of babies into dead weight for those who often breed their ponies. if it's not true, then fine, could be worse...
and if you actualy like the way those new ponies look like, than i'm glad at least SOMEone is happy with V2. have a nice game.
Dernière modification par darkjewels (2012-05-05 01:20:58)
i will not unlock the "locked" ponys on a totaly unrelated note: no, i will not stop with the puns!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~Only entering for gold. Not interacting with other players very often~
- galaxyfyre
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 5
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
So far, I like it! I was actually looking forward to V2 - apparently, one of the few, according to the massive number of V2-hating I saw going on in the previous forum - and it's been great! I was a little upset that it just switched over with no warning, I must say, but only because it was a shock to find myself on a totally different website.
I agree with other members when they say the ponies could be a little larger, especially the foals; they look like they are completely adorable, but they're really too small to tell!
Anyhow, I don't have any major complaints. The quests were all straightforward, and once I figured out the locations of things (I'm directionally challenged) it wasn't hard. And I must say, the new fairy - Blueberry? - is a lot easier on the eyes than the previous one. And there's no 'broken-wrist' look going on, either!
Sorry to all the players that hate it; it's your loss!
The Fyre is Reborn...a PonyStars and V1 refugee
- brokenstar9
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
- Messages: 537
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
galaxyfyre a écrit:Sorry to all the players that hate it; it's your loss!
Had to laugh seeing this, because that was exactly what I was thinking. Plus, I've seen everyone saying they are leaving because they hate one aspect they think they don't have with this version but it is there once the quest arrives for it. Or, from things announced for over 3 months in the old version.
My mod voice is Turquoise, stone hard and mystical. Have a question Read the Common Player Questions for the fastest answer.
- suishou
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-02-21
- Messages: 70
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
My two cents so far.
I like that my inventory shows me the traits that I own that are already on ponies and which ponies they're on. Also that I can sort the traits by type, like having it show me just the coats or just the hooves.
I like that I can marry my own ponies to each other.
I like that I can add comments to ponies. (Go to a pony's page, click on the arrow at the bottom to open a menu, the farthest icon on the right shows a speech bubble, click on it to add or read a comment.)
I like that I can sort my ponies different ways, like by level or alphabetically.
I don't mind the limits on breeding. I'm more of a trainer than a breeder. I was looking forward to 3 foals that were on the way and am disappointed they were lost in the move. Still, I lost a lot more ponies when PS disappeared. I'm only a few ponies away from my 1000 pony limit, but I can save up gold to increase it. I hope training becomes available soon.
I was halfway through the grasslands. I hope the grasslands come back and that I get credit for what I already had finished.
My next wild pony is due in about 3 weeks. It will be interesting to see what happens.
I had a level 30 fountain with 150 drinks. I would be nice if there was some sort of compensation for it.
I would like to be able to see my ponies' ancestry and lineage.
It would be nice to know my ponies' birth dates.
I wish the ponies were a little bigger, so they'd be easier to see.
I'll be sticking around. (Not throwing a tantrum and storming off in a huff (or even a minute and a huff (gotta love Groucho))) 
Dernière modification par suishou (2012-05-05 06:50:05)
- mlpproject
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-12-17
- Messages: 19
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I will admit that I am being tentative. I'm testing everything out on my experimental account, and holding off on my favorite account. I see now what I need to get done before I switch the other one over (like let my pregnant mares foal).
I actually like that their eye color is now reflected on their hooves (and horn/wing brackets for the pegasus). I already knew what the ponies were going to look like, so their is no use for me complaining that the water pony looks very barrel chested. They aren't going to change the pony designs, people!! We knew that from the start.
I also hope they enlarge the pony's image when it's selected. It's a little hard to see some details of the traited ponies. I find myself wondering how we will be acquiring pegasus and celestial ponies...
I don't mind the breeding limit because I don't breed fifty million ponies at a time, nor do I breed the same one more than 5-7 times. I didn't realize there was a herd size limit though. Can someone tell me what that number is?
I don't mind the disappearance of my fairy gold, but I do hope they make more opportunities to earn more gold. It's going to get tedious if I only earn 200 fg a day, and then have to choose whether I use that earned money for 1 adoption or 1 trait....each day, only 1 thing bought....
I do wish the quests were a little more...thorough, for a lack of a better word, at what we were supposed to do. Especially after we sent out friend requests or needed a better explanation on 'Equipping you pony'.
I really love the organization of the ponies (age, not until you are married, 'races') and traits. As a side note, I wish they called them breeds and not races.
I'm getting impatient for some of these unavailable links and buttons, but I don't have access to my own 'impatience potion' ^.~
Is there a way to cancel a breeding? I did one to fulfill the quest and now I'm regretting it. Also, I use a netbook and it is hard to fit everything on the whole screen unless I do full screen mode. I'm not crazy of some trait redesigns, but am pleasantly surprised of others. I noticed the astrological horse accessory trait makes the tail disappear on a fire pony (replacing it with it's own tail). That's pretty neat-o.
This continually changing language bug is bothering me, but I know it's only temporary. I wish there was a way to personalize our home base....like welcome fellow members and tell them of our breeding policies, etc. I wonder if there will be a beauty contest like before...I'm still trying for the dance trait! I have a feeling that there's a new rollover time. Anyone know when that is?
Basically, I see this as a new game. It's not exactly like the original, but it is an evolutionized version. It's nice to grow the game, but I hope they realize that many of their patrons are not little kids looking for a simple interactive game. I am an adult, and I enjoy Poneyvallee....let's not get too drastic with the changes.
- naokourutymaya
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
- Messages: 6
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I've found that I actually the water ponies a lot better in this version. I never bred them before aside from trait purposes, but I think they're actually really cool now! I think the only ponies I wouldn't breed any more are the fire. I absolutely love the pegasus, love, feline, and air ponies, and while I may not be as crazy about them I'm not upset about the changes in the celestial. (Still miss the original earth ponies, but the new ones are good with some accessory combinations.) :D
- jojo91122
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-01-04
- Messages: 67
Re: V2:Wow! Isn't Everything Different
I still miss the old designs but the new version is great. So glad to finally be here!!! :)
- PS and V1 player -